time: approx. 12pm.
subject : human,people,homo sapien.
define people:
persons, whether men, women, or children, considered as numerable individuals forming a group
for me;
people is defined as:
God's most mighty creation,it posses emotions.
and most importantly;
they can differ from one another.
in 20 years..
i've found lotsa lotsa different kind of people..
sometimes you can't judge them just by the way they look.
sometimes it might never make sense when we judge that particular person's action.
let's say;
a person just fully trust this other person.
but little that she knew that person is lying to her;but...........
she keep on believing on that person.
for us normal person, we might think: wth???!!!
but for her: he is the only thing i can hold on to...
different kinds of people.
there are simply people who believe helping others soothes her soul.
and there are those who literally like being bad and took pleasure in doing bad things to other people.
but did they realize that they are bad???
she : orang jahat die akn tahu ke die jahat??
he : ntah...iye la koyt..die tahu die jahat..
she : tp kan...rasenyer..org yg baik sdr die jahat...org yg jahat kalo die sdr die jahat xkn die ulang lg....?!
he : die terpaksa wat jahat koyt....
she : hurmmm...mngkin la...
they can be bad.
they can be nice.
but by the end of the day,they are the only one who can judge themselves which person are they.
those around them can judge them by their action;
but only they can decide their action;
whether they are bad or they are not.
sekian dr gadis kawaii.trimas.
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