yes. due to some randomness idea in my head. i get myself into trouble with an old friend.
jadi; saye nak buat clarification.
i do believe people, ape lagik? prove it :)
i do belive people make mistakes. so do i. jadi, mintak maaf la ape lg.. :)
i do believe people are unperfect. so, let's except criticizes from other people and make a few adjustments for our own personal 'grooming' heeee~ :)
based in what i believe:
saye rase saye adalah sumer di atas. i make mistakes. i apologizes. *to that someone. i embarrass u publicly and i apologize back publicly as well* i changed and i proved it to those around me. i accept critics even though i found it hard at first but i get through it as well.
and i am unperfect.
so to those yang banyak terase dgn saye selama ini: i truly apologize. deep within my heart. what i do is only trying to make you&me a better person.
and. Ya Allah, bantu lah hamba Mu menghadapi ujian yang Kau beri. Permudahkan urusanku dan jangan Kau hilangkan Nur di sepanjang perjalanan Ku.
sekian dari gadis kawaii. trimas.
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